"An auspicious debut novel by a young writer who will remind readers of Anne Lamott and Anne Tyler Crime in the Neighborhood centers on a headline event-- the molestation and......
"Bestselling author Helen Dunmore's third novel, A Spell of Winter won the 1996 Orange Prize.Catherine and her brother, Rob, don't know why they have been abandoned by their parents. Incarcerated......
"When Queenie Hennessy discovers that Harold Fry is walking the length of England to save her, and all she has to do is wait, she is shocked. Her note had......
"Harold Fry is convinced that he must deliver a letter to an old friend in order to save her, meeting various characters along the way and reminiscing about the events......
Premiul pentru Proza al revistei Observator cultural pe anul 2010 „Provizorat se va impune atit ca un mare roman al destinderii, cit si ca un roman al cuplurilor in totalitarism(e)......